Meet Our Team!

Prof. dr Vanja Asanović
Full Professor at the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology, where she teaches courses related to physical metallurgy and management of the environment.
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Prof. Vanja Asanović
Vanja Asanović is a Full Professor at the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology, where she teaches courses related to physical metallurgy and management of the environment. The research addresses several topics: nanocomposites, hydrogen storage, Cu-based shape memory alloys, steel, aluminium alloys, phase change materials, phase transformations, microstructural characterisation of metal materials, environmental protection, and waste management. Besides scientific research and teaching, she has more than fourteen years of experience managing the Bureau of Metrology. She was the head of the expert team that established the Centre of Metrology in July 2006. As an acting director of the newly formed Bureau of Metrology, she has performed all necessary duties for establishing the metrological traceability and organising the working procedures in legal, scientific and industrial metrology as well as control of precious metal articles. From 2007 to February 2021, she presented Montenegro and the Bureau of Metrology in the different regional and international metrological organisations as a delegate and a member of varying working bodies. Prof. Asanović is a reviewer for various international journals related to material science. She has coordinated two national scientific research projects and one bilateral project. She has published 28 papers in scientific journals and 46 in conference proceedings in the field of material science.

Dr. Jasmina Grbović Novaković
Head of the National Centre of Excellence for Hydrogen and Renewable Energy, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. Associated Editor of Gas Science and Engineering.
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Dr. Jasmina

Prof. dr Snežana Lazić
Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics of Materials, University Autónoma in Madrid (Spain).
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Prof. Dr. Snežana Lazić is a Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics of Materials, University Autónoma in Madrid (Spain). Her professional experience in science and engineering extends over several interdisciplinary research areas, including semiconductor nanotechnology, optical spectroscopy, acoustics in semiconductors, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, photonics and optoelectronics. Her ongoing research activities aim at design, processing and optical characterization of semiconductor heterostructures for nanophotonics and novel quantum information technologies.
Prof. Dr. Snezana Lazic
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias
Departamento de Física de Materiales, C-IV
C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, nº 7
Ctra. Colmenar Viejo, Km. 15
28049 Madrid (Spain)
Phone: +34 620 223 815
E-mail: [email protected]